Features of java

The main objective of Java Programming language creation was to make it portable, simple and secure programming language. 

The following features of Java language are-


  • Java is easy to learn and its syntax is quite simple, clean and easy to understand.
  • Java derives its syntax from C and object-oriented features from C++.
  • Java has removed many confusing and rarely-used features e.g. explicit pointers, operator overloading etc
  • There is no need to remove unreferenced objects because there is Automatic Garbage Collection in java.


  • Java is object-oriented programming language. Everything in Java is an object.
  • Object-oriented means we organize our software as a combination of different types of objects that incorporates both data and behaviour.
  • Java can be easily extended as it is based on Object Model.

Basic concepts of OOPs are:

  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Inheritance
  4. Polymorphism
  5. Abstraction
  6. Encapsulation

Platform Independent

  • Java is platform independent because it is different from other languages like C, C++ etc. which are compiled into platform specific machines while Java is a write once, run anywhere language.
  • A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs.
  • There are two types of platforms software-based and hardware-based. Java provides software-based platform.
  • The Java platform differs from most other platforms in the sense that it is a software-based platform that runs on the top of other hardware-based platforms. It has two components
    1. Runtime Environment
    2. API(Application Programming Interface)


  • When it comes to security, Java is always the first choice. With java secure features it enable us to develop virus free, temper free system.
  • Java program always runs in Java runtime environment with almost null interaction with system OS, hence it is more secure.
  • Java is best known for its security. With Java, we can develop virus-free systems. Java is secured because:
    • No explicit pointer
    • Java Programs run inside virtual machine sandbox


  • Java makes an effort to eliminate error prone codes by emphasizing mainly on compile time error checking and runtime checking
  • It uses strong memory management.
  • There are lack of pointers that avoids security problems.
  • There is automatic garbage collection in java which runs on the Java Virtual Machine to get rid of objects which are not being used by a Java application anymore.
  • There is exception handling and type checking mechanism in java. 


  • Compiler generates bytecodes, which have nothing to do with a particular computer architecture, hence a Java program is easy to intrepret on any machine.


  • Java Byte code can be carried to any platform. No implementation dependent features. Everything related to storage is predefined, example: size of primitive data types


  • Java is an interpreted language, so it will never be as fast as a compiled language like C or C++. But, Java enables high performance with the use of just-in-time compiler.


  • Java is distributed because it facilitates users to create distributed applications in java.
  • RMI and EJB are used for creating distributed applications. This feature of Java makes us able to access files by calling the methods from any machine on the internet.


  • Java multithreading feature makes it possible to write program that can do many tasks simultaneously.
  • Benefit of multithreading is that it utilizes same memory and other resources to execute multiple threads at the same time, like While typing, grammatical errors are checked along.


  • Java programs carry with them substantial amounts of run-time type information that is used to verify and resolve accesses to objects at run time.