c++ program to check whether a number is palindrome or not

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
     int n, num, digit, rev = 0;
     cout << "Enter a positive number: ";
     cin >> num;
     n = num;
        digit = num % 10;
        rev = (rev * 10) + digit;
        num = num / 10;
     while (num != 0);
     cout << " The reverse of the number is: " << rev << endl;
     if (n == rev)
      cout << " The number is a palindrome";
      cout << " The number is not a palindrome";
    return 0;


Enter a positive number: 121
The reverse of the number is: 121
The number is a palindrome


  • In this program user is asked to enter a positive number which is stored in the variable num.
  • The number is then saved into another variable n to check it when the original number has been reversed.
  • Inside the do...while loop, last digit of the number is separated using the code digit = num % 10;. This digit is then added to the rev variable.