Online compiler
Basic c Programs
Program to print "Hello World"
Program to print an Integer entered by user.
Program to Find the Size of datatype.
Program to add integer in C
Program to multiply 2 floating point number.
Program to Print ASCII Value
Program to Swap Numbers Using Temporary Variable
Program to Swap Number Without Using Temporary Variables
Program to check whether a number is even or odd
Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer
Program to display factors of a number
Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not
Program to Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative
Program to Calculate the Power of a Number
Program to Check whether given input is Leap Year or not.
Program to find LCM and HCF of two Numbers
Program to find greatest number among three numbers
Program to multiply two matrix.
Program to find transpose of a matrix
Program to find the frequency of characters.
Program to find the Length of a String
Program to concatenate two Strings
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